All moccasin toml parametersΒΆ

# Changes the names and locations of specific directories in your project
src = "contracts"
out = "build"
script = "scripts"
lib = "dependencies"
# You can have pip-style dependencies and also github-style dependencies
# These are going to be dependencies for your vyper contracts
dependencies = ["snekmate==0.1.0", "pcaversaccio/snekmate@0.1.0"]
installer = "uv"

# Add network settings to easily interact with networks
url = ""
chain_id = 11155111
is_fork = false
is_zksync = false
# This is the name of the account that will be unlocked when running on this network
default_account_name = "anvil"
# If you don't provide a password or private key, moccasin will prompt you to unlock it
# If you do, it will unlock it automatically
# But be careful about storing passwords and private keys! NEVER store them in plain text
unsafe_password_file = "/home/user/.moccasin/password"  # Replace with actual path

my_key = "{$ETHERSCAN_API_KEY}"

# It might be a good idea to place addresses in here!
usdc = "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48"

# Put whatever else you want in here
hi = "hello"