
What are fixtues?

Fixtures in pytest are functions that provide a fixed baseline or setup that your tests can use to operate in a controlled and predictable environment. They are used to define resources or state that will be used by the tests. Examples include setting up a database connection, creating a temporary file, initializing test data, or configuring environment variables.


For more information on fixtures in pytest we recommend reading the pytest documentation or asking an AI chat bot.

Using Fixtures

Defining fixtures in your tests is one of the best ways to make sure your tests are fast and reliable.

In a file in your tests directory, you’d make something like this:

from script.mock_deployer.deploy_feed import deploy_feed

def price_feed():
    return deploy_feed()

Then, you can use these fixtures in your tests:

def test_using_fixtures(price_feed):
    assert price_feed is not None