
Installs the project’s dependencies. The first argument is the requirements, given as a pip-compatible strings and/or moccasin github formatted dependencies. - Pip-compatible strings download dependencies as regular python packages from PyPI. - Moccasin github formatted dependencies download dependencies from the Moccasin github repository.

Moccasin github formatted dependencies are formatted as:


Where: - GITHUB_ORG is the github organization or user that owns the repository. - GITHUB_REPO is the name of the repository. - VERSION is the optional version of the repository to download. If not provided, the latest version is downloaded.

Examples: - pcaversaccio/snekmate@0.1.0 # Moccasin GitHub formatted dependency - snekmate==0.1.0 # Pip-compatible string

usage: mox install [-h] [-d] [-q] [requirements ...]

Positional Arguments


Requirements, given as a pip-compatible strings and/or moccasin github formatted dependencies.

Named Arguments

-d, --debug

Run in debug mode

Default: False

-q, --quiet

Suppress all output except errors

Default: False