
Networks in moccasin are identified in your moccasin.toml. The complete list of options you can set for your network can be identified in the example here:

url = ""
chain_id = 11155111
is_fork = false
is_zksync = false
default_account_name = "anvil"
unsafe_password_file = "~/.moccasin/password"
extra_data = { "my_key" = "{$ETHERSCAN_API_KEY}" }

Let’s walk through what each of these options mean.

  • url: The URL of the network you are connecting to.

  • chain_id: The chain ID of the network you are connecting to.

  • is_fork: If you are forking a network, set this to true.

  • is_zksync: If you are connecting to a zkSync network, set this to true.

  • default_account_name: The default account name to use when deploying contracts. This will be the name of your account you created with your wallet command.

  • unsafe_password_file: The location of the password file for your account. This is a file that contains the password for your account. BE SURE TO NEVER PUSH THIS PASSWORD TO GITHUB IF YOU USE THIS.

  • extra-data: This is a dictionary of extra data you can use in your contracts.

You’ll notice there is no private-key. We highly discourage having private keys in plain text.

When working with a network from the command line, for example to run a script you can pass the –network flag via the command line, and it will load the data from the network in your moccasin.toml.

For example, if you wanted to run a script on the sepolia network, you would run:

moccasin run my_script --network sepolia

Since in our example we passed both a default_account_name and a unsafe_password_file, moccasin will automatically unlock the account for you. If you don’t pass a default_account_name or a unsafe_password_file, moccasin will error saying it cannot find your account.