
By default, you don’t want to ever expose your private key in your scripts. You can use the wallet commands to manage your private keys and accounts.

$ mox wallet

usage: Moccasin CLI wallet [-h] [-d] [-q] {list,ls,generate,g,new,import,i,add,inspect,decrypt,dk,delete,d} ...

Wallet management utilities.

positional arguments:
    list (ls)           List all the accounts in the keystore default directory
    generate (g, new)   Create a new account with a random private key
    import (i, add)     Import a private key into an encrypted keystore
    inspect             View the JSON of a keystore file
    decrypt (dk)        Decrypt a keystore file to get the private key
    delete (d)          Delete a keystore file

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-d, --debug           Run in debug mode
-q, --quiet           Suppress all output except errors

Encrypting a private key

You can encrypt a private key using the wallet import ACCOUNT_NAME command. This will create a keystore file in the default keystore directory. It will prompt you to enter your private key and password.

$ mox wallet import my_account

Running wallet command...
Importing private key...
Enter your private key:  ...

Once you have an account, you can view it with the wallet list command.

$ mox wallet list

Running wallet command...
Found 1 accounts:

This will encrypt your key and store it at ~/.moccasin/keystore/my_account.json. You can view the contents of the keystore file with the wallet inspect command.

$ mox wallet inspect my_account
Running wallet command...
Keystore JSON for account my_account:
    "address": "f39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266",
    "crypto": {
        "cipher": "aes-128-ctr",
        "cipherparams": {
            "iv": "e6966dcf6d5384f050052f71ed7bfc02"
        "ciphertext": "decc1fbd482a171578028bfb2563362b9f4857765d6247900bde22e0cd6c2c13",
        "kdf": "scrypt",
        "kdfparams": {
            "dklen": 32,
            "n": 262144,
            "r": 8,
            "p": 1,
            "salt": "71326ecf78c3a2f2087366e4516d44f1"
        "mac": "62dbc22cce0e270a71a5ac1a8c57b04eafa215839abcbdb9f349d63b6b9e5e9f"
    "id": "ea0a89c0-04ea-4120-b6a4-b55fbb0baade",
    "version": 3

You can then use these in scripts!

mox run deploy --account my_account

And it will ask you for the password to decrypt your private key.